Install The I Jdmtoy Led Light Bar on a 2016-up Toyota Tacoma
This installation guide is made for the iJDMTOY Toyota Tacoma LED light bar for the 2016-up Toyota Tacoma. This kit comes with a specially designed hidden lower mounting bracket so that you don't have to do any modifications to your truck.
First remove the front grill. It's held on by 2 bolts and 2 clips one set on each side close to the headlights. Remove the clips and bolts to remove the grill.
Focus on these two bolts that are holding the crash beam support. Focus on the side of the crash beam support and unbolt the singular black bolt using a #14 wrench. Unbolt both the bolts on the driver and passenger side.
Now to mount the metal bracket, focus on the driver side first. Mount the metal bracket on to the lower hole to the exposed singular screw from the last step. Use the lower hole or the LED light bar will not be visible. Make sure the long arm of the bracket is tilted outwards just like the picture below.
Loosely tighten the metal brackets so you can adjust the angle of the light bar later.
Make sure you mount one bracket at this time. If you mount both brackets simultaneously, it will be impossible to insert the LED light bar in between due to the longer screws on the side of the assembly.
Take the LED light bar and slide it underneath the side opening. Slowly slide and tilt the LED in to place. Once it's on there, poke the end into the mounting bracket hole but don't secure the LED light bar and bracket just yet.
Move over to the passenger side to work on the other end of the LED light bar. Slip the light bar into the hole and in the long arm of the mounting bracket. Lift up the bracket and the edge of the light bad to reach the singular screw on the support crash beam. Bolt the mounting bracket via the lower hole onto the singular screw.
Bolt the LED light bar in place. Make sure the metal mounting brackets are secured onto the vehicle and make sure the LED light bar is secured onto the metal mounting brackets. If you need some hand space, there are two pieces of flexible plastic on each end of the crash beam area that you can push out the way so you can screw the light bar in tighter. You will notice that the specially designed holes on the bracket allow the LED light bar to sit at the bottom portion of the lower grille opening so it will not be blocked by the grille beam lines and will sit flush to the bottom edge.
When the wiring is complete put back everything together and test to make sure your new Toyota Tacoma LED light bar works.
As you can, this iJDMTOY LED Truck Light install was straight forward and required no modifications at all to your truck. This completely transforms the look of your truck and also adds a very functional LED light bar to your truck as well.
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