Replace The Pcv Valve on a 1999 Suzuki Vitara
The Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) valve allows exhaust gasses and moisture that build up in the crankcase to be recirculated into your intake manifold, extending the life of your engine. The size and shape of the valve can vary greatly between vehicles, and they can be hard to locate if you don't know what you're looking for.
This article was written specifically for the 2.0L I4 engine in the 1999 Suzuki Vitara, but may also be accurate for Chevrolet Trackers of the same year.
- Replacement PCV Valve
- Replacement PCV Valve Grommet
Shake the old and new valves next to your ear. A rattling noise usually indicates that the valve is good. Even if your old one is good, you might as well replace it.
Using pliers, move the hose clamp back to its original position, making sure the hose is pushed all the way onto the end of the PCV valve.
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