Install The Gas Tank on a Ford Truck
Installing a new gas tank in your Ford seems like one of the more dangerous tasks in auto repair, but with some simple safety protocols, it can easily be completed by the average mechanic with the right set of tools. Remember to keep your work area clean, well ventilated and clear of any pilot lights or potential sources of flame. Working outside if possible would be safer, but it can be done indoors if proper precautions are taken. Here is a breakdown of how to install a gas tank in your ford.
- Fire extinguisher
- Gas storage container - make sure it is specifically rated for gasoline storage
- Hand tools, wrenches and sockets
- Hose clamps and extra fuel line - just in case
- Floor jack or lift
Step 1: Drain the Old Gas Tank
If we are going to install a new gas tank like this one in our Ford, obviously we need to remove the old tank. We certainly don't want to be working with a gas tank that still has gas sloshing around in it, so the first step is to drain the old tank.
Some fuel tanks are designed with a drain cock, or valve, installed at the lowest point of the tank. This allows you to drain all of the gas from your tank without messing with the fuel lines. If your tank has a drain cock, simply loosen the valve and allow the gas to drain into a proper storage container.
If your tank does not have such a valve, your next option will be to remove the fuel line leading away from the tank into the fuel pump, filter or fuel line. This will be the hose connected to the fuel tank at its lowest point. Loosen the clamp, pull off the hose and allow the gas to drain into a proper storage container.
Step 2: Remove the Fuel Lines
Once the gas has been safely removed from the tank, the next step is to remove the fuel lines that connect to the tank. You will likely see three lines - one from the filler tube, one that supplies the rest of the fuel system. possibly the line you disconnected to drain the tank, and one acting as a vent line to regulate pressure in the tank as the fuel level rises and falls.
Disconnect all three lines from the tank, and don't be afraid to take pictures with a digital camera if you need to keep things straight.
Step 3: Drop the Rear Suspension (if Necessary)
At this point, take a look at your Ford's rear setup to determine if you have the clearance necessary to remove the old tank and get the new one into place. You might have to drop the rear suspension to make room. If you need to do so, you should consult more thorough How-tos for advanced instructions, but we'll cover the basics here.
First, disconnect the rear suspension parts from the shocks then support the suspension beam with a floor jack so you can lower the heavier parts. Disconnect the rear brake lines to get them out of harm's way, then remove the rear beam or drive assembly from the frame of the car by removing the large nuts securing them to the frame. Then lower the rear assembly with the jack.
Step 4: Remove the Straps Holding the Gas Tank in Place
You should see two metal straps that are responsible for physically holding the gas tank in place. Loosening the nuts on one side of each of the straps should (with some possible coaxing) allow them to drop so you can unhook them from the other side and get them out of the way completely.
This should allow you to drop the fuel tank and clear the way for the new tank to be put in its place.
Getting the new tank in place on your Ford is as simple as following steps 1 through 4 in reverse, but we will recap here just in case:
Once the new tank is in place, secure the metal straps in place around the bottom of the tank.
If you have followed the steps outlined above, and haven't forgotten anything (especially if you had to drop the suspension and remove the brake lines), you're all done. Your new gas tank is ready to go.
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