Install The Ph24 Wy Led Turn Signal Light on a Audi Q5
Not a fan of your stock turn signal lights? They're so easy to swap out that you'd be wondering why you haven't done so already! These are CREE PH24WY LED turn signal bulbs demonstrated on an Audi Q5, but it's also compatible with other Audi models, Buick, Cadillac, Porsche, and much more. These LED bulbs are error free as well, so you don't have to deal with the pesky on-board computer message. After the LED turn signal light installation, you will get a clean and clear front end to get rid of that "fried egg" eyesore once and for all.
- hex tool
Now you will see the PH24WY bulb's adapter. Twist it counterclockwise to pull out. Remove the stock bulb by pressing the tab and pulling it out.
Before you mount the headlights back, test the new PH24WY LED bulb to make sure it works. Repeat on the other side.
As you can see installing these CREE LED Turn Signal bulbs don't take much effort at all. Enjoy your new PH24WY LED turn signal lights!
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