Resetting The Oil Life Indicator on a Chevrolet Camaro
If you changed the oil in your 5th Generation Camaro according to when the oil life alert light came on your dash, you will need to reset it back to 100% after you have finished your oil change. There are 2 methods to resetting the oil life indicator depending on if your Camaro comes equipped with a Driver Information Center (DIC) or not. For Camaros with the DIC, either method can be used.
Vehicles with Driver Information Center (DIC)
Press the set/reset button to reset the system. The next screen indicates that the CHANGE OIL SOON message has been reset. If the vehicle has the uplevel DIC, when the gauges button is pressed and the OIL LIFE REMAINING mode appears, it should read 100 percent OIL LIFE REMAINING.
Vehicles without DIC
If the light or message comes back on when you start the vehicle, the OIL LIFE SYSTEM has not reset. Repeat the procedure.
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