
Getting The Power For Accessories Like A Radar Detector on a Ferrari LaFerrari

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How to access accessory power for a radar detector or other device in a LaFerrari

  • 3mm allen wrench

Removal of underdash panel


Remove the ten 3mm bolts from the under dash panel, five from the right. (Passenger side)


And five from the left (drivers side), and then remove the entire panel, down and away from the dash, be careful of the carbon fiber bits.


This exposes the fuse box under the dash on the passenger side


Fuse box close up

Image 5600 from Getting the Power For Accessories Like A Radar Detector on a Ferrari LaFerrari

Fuse location F44 which is the second from the top in the left hand row is the cigarette lighter fuse. It's the yellow fuse in the picture. It is a switched ignition fuse, so it only has power when the ignition is on.


For ground, and power if you want it directly off of the cigarette lighter location you need to remove the under dash panel, then remove the center carbon fiber piece containing the USB port and the cigarette lighter(accessory port). It consists of seven more 3mm bolts. Two on the top, three on the left and two on the right. You can then carefully slide the piece out away from the dash.


The power harness to the accessory port is now visible. There is a connector on the wire. From the connector to the outlet the wire colors are black for 12 volts switched and brown for ground. From the connector to the harness into the dash the colors are grey/green stripe for 12 volts switched and black for ground. The other wires illuminate the outlets.

Image 5603 from Getting the Power For Accessories Like A Radar Detector on a Ferrari LaFerrari
Image 5628 from Getting the Power For Accessories Like A Radar Detector on a Ferrari LaFerrari
Image 5606 from Getting the Power For Accessories Like A Radar Detector on a Ferrari LaFerrari

Be very careful putting all the screws back. Get them started, be patient, when they are all started tighten them down.

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