Change The Oil on a 2016 Jaguar F-Type
How To change the oil on your 2016 Jaguar F-Type with a 3.0L engine. We've got a step by step description with all the parts and tools you'll need.
Jaguar calls for an oil change every 5,000 miles under normal use. However, since changing the oil and oil filter on this car is likely easier than any other car you've ever owned - you'll probably want to change it at even shorter intervals!
It does require a couple of unique tools, but these pay for themselves after one use when you compare the costs compared to dealership or even third-party garages - well worth it!
Also note that you can drain the oil from the pan under the car if you insist. But Jaguar has engineered a solution that anyone can do in 20 minutes or less without ever having to lift the car off the ground. Why not take advantage of it?
- A fluid evacuator - I used the Mityvac MV7201
- 90mmx15 Oil Filter Wrench
- Ratchet with driver sized to the oil filter wrench
- Oil fill funnel
- Optional: Torque wrench
- 7.5 quarts (7.25 liters) of 0W/20 Castrol full synthetic. (I used 5W/30 Castrol).
- Oil Filter OEM #C2D3670. (I used Car Quest #84279).
The engine oil will flow much easier if it is somewhat hot, so warm up the car a bit before starting the oil change procedure.
Pull the release handle and raise the hood / bonnet.
Remove the plastic engine cover by lifting straight up at the corners. The cover is held in place by four snap-on grommets as seen in the image. On occasion, one or more of the grommets will detach from the cover and stay on the engine post. If this happens, simply remove the grommet from the post and insert it back onto the cover.
Locate the Oil filler cap at the left/front of the engine bay and twist it to remove. With the cap removed, you'll see the oil evacuation tube that we'll use to vacuum the old oil out of the engine.
Vacuum out the old oil
Slip the fluid evacuator tubing onto the car's tube. Begin pumping the extractor and watch for oil to begin flowing through the tube and into the evacuator. Continue to pump until the flow of oil has ceased and you're getting nothing but air.
Note: I've read some accounts that the oil may flow continuously once it's started. However, I found that I had to pump the evacuator to maintain the oil flow. Either way, it only takes a few minutes of pumping to extract all the oil.
** Important Step **. Check the amount of oil that you removed in the fluid extractor. USE THIS SAME AMOUNT when refilling, regardless of oil volumes specified for your engine.
The extractor will remove a somewhat variable amount of oil from the engine, depending on oil temperature and vacuum. The failsafe is to replace only what you removed, then check the car's display to ensure that it reads full. You can always top it off as needed.
I got 7.2 quarts out of mine, and replaced with the same amount. Car oil level display read "full" on the first try.
Replace the Oil Filter
Locate the Oil Filter Canister at the right front of the engine bay. Slip the 90mm, 15 flute wrench over the canister, being careful to gently move aside the surrounding tubing to clear the wrench. Note that a belt-type filter wrench may also be used, but with perhaps slightly more risk of damaging the surrounding tubing if it where to slip...
Once the canister and filter are free, slowly lift it straight up and allow any residual oil to flow down into the now-empty canister bottom so as not to get it all over the engine bay.
Remove the old oil filter from the canister by pulling it straight back to release the plastic tension tabs.
Lubricate the o-rings on the new filter with a small amount of oil.
Remove the old o-ring from the canister cap and replace it with the new o-ring.
Insert the new oil filter into the canister cap until it snaps into place. Gently tug the filter to ensure that it is snug in place.
Re-install the filter and canister, tightening to 25 newton/meters (as indicated on the canister cap).
(I didn't have a proper size torque wrench driver, so I just snugged it up by feel and checked for leaks after a short test start-up).
Check for leaks and proper oil level
Start the car and let it idle for a minute or two. Turn off the engine and check under the hood for any leaks around the oil filter canister.
The F-Type does not have a manual dip-stick and requires that you wait 10 minutes after engine-off before it will display the oil level. Use this time to clean up your shop area - or not.
The procedure for checking the oil level is as follows:
- Turn the ignition on
- Press "menu" on the steering wheel until the display to "Vehicle Information" appears
- Scroll down to "Oil Level" and select (if it doesn't respond, it means you have to wait longer)
- Verify level is good, and turn off the ignition.
Resetting the "Service Required" indication.
If you have a "Service Required" indication on your dash, you probably want that to go away now that you've completed the oil change. Like so many of the newer cars, the F-Type has a rather goofy manual procedure to accomplish the reset. If you have an OBDII reader, you may be able to use it to reset the indicator. I don't have a reader capable of performing the reset, so I successfully used the manual method, as follows:
- Turn on ignition (foot off brake so engine doesn't start)
- Open the driver's side door and the hood / bonnet
- Fully depress the brake and throttle pedals together for 10 seconds
- Release the pedals
- Turn off ignition
- Close the hood / bonnet
- Turn on the ignition Service indicator should be reset
##How to Get Rid of Your Old Oil?##
Your local auto parts store will take your old oil as long as you don't mix it with any other fluids.
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